Act One
Programs in writing for film and television, production, and the entertainment business

Benedict XVI Institute
Based in San Francisco, the Catholic Arts Today initiative is inspiring the next generation of Catholic creatives to aspire to new heights of excellence in the arts.

Catholic Art Institute
The Catholic Art Institute in Chicago hosts the top scholars, artists, architects, philosophers, and theologians of our day for educational events. Through our speaker series, workshops in traditional art-making techniques, and our annual conference, we provide preeminent education, resources, and inspiration to all those interested in the elevation of the visual arts.

Catholic Artists Directory
A directory of professional artists in architecture, bookbinding, calligraphy, illustration, liturgical design, music, painting, sculpture, and vestment making.

Catholic Artists NYC
A digital hub to connect and support Catholic Artists and Catholic Arts Organizations in the greater New York City area.

Catholic Artists Society
Events for the mind and the spirit, in New York

Church Music Association of America
The Church Music Association of America is an association of Catholic musicians and others who have a special interest in music and liturgy, active in advancing Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, and other forms of sacred music, including new composition, for liturgical use. The CMAA’s purpose is the advancement of musica sacra in keeping with the norms established by competent ecclesiastical authority.

Liturgical Arts Journal
Arts for the sacred liturgy
Magnificat Institute of Sacred Music
We aim to help parishes and communities of humble means, as well as those with an abundance of resources, to recover the dignity, depth, and grace that have characterized the great traditions of Catholic sacred music.

New Liturgical Movement
News and essays on the sacred liturgy and liturgical arts